Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Scenic Route (1978, Mark Rappaport)

I knew when I started this that it would probably be unlike anything I've ever seen. I was right. Did that affect my viewing at all? Well, yes and no. I did expect certain things from this film but that made the more unexpected aspects of it so much more sweeter. Mark Rappaport instills the same technique that makes me love cinema so much in the first place. The courage and talent to take the mundane and ordinary and make it extraordinary.

It's such a touchy subject with film fans, in my opinion. There are the more left-field lovers of cinema that will totally embrace this but most will shut it down immediately with multiple claims of pretension. It pains me sometimes that people won't accept something just because it deviates from the norm. That's the thing, too. The plot in The Scenic Route would almost be too normal if delivered in any fashion other than Rappaport's. He supplies the film with life. Whether it be his incredible use of insightful voice-overs, his insane production design, or his dubious use of symbolism. Something is always there to divert the banality and melodrama of the story even when you feel like he completely revels in it. Did I even mention the "Dr. Love" dance sequence? I think he knew I really liked that song. That's the only explanation.


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